Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rod's brother Curtis

To whom it may concern:

  My name is Curtis Rollness, I live at 3052 Chicken Coop Rd, Sequim Washington.
  I'm writing to you in regards to my brother Rodney Lee Rollness, who was wrongfully convicted of a six year old homicide and other crimes, illegally I may add, and if you read the Trial transcripts you will know what I mean.
  Rod is my brother, I feel that I know him better than anyone. He is married with five children who love him very much, as does hid whole family.
  Rod has some of the best kids you could imagine, and that does not come from a father who who doesn't care about the well being of his family.
  Rod has had an ongoing feud with the Snohomish County Sheriffs, and I'm sure that he is not the only one. Rod's only problem as far as I can see is that he tried to be an American and protect his family, and I guess if you live in Snohomish County that is something that you should not do.
  In my opinion, my brother was wrongfully convicted of these alleged crimes by people, and I use the term hesitantly, because I don't see them as anymore than animals, people that got reduced prison sentences, money and things that just should not happen!
  Due to work I was not able to attend many days of my brother's joke of a trial, but my sister and wife and Rod's whole family were there every day. The few times that I was there I noticed too many inconsistencies, Rod was the only one shackled out of all the defendants during the last week of the trial, Rod or none of his witnesses were allowed to testify on his behalf. The Judge told us not to show ant emotions at all during sentencing. While in the proceedings, the Judge, prosecutors and defense lawyers discussed their vacations, where they went and what they did, in open court for everyone to hear. Seemed too ridiculous at the time to believe that my brother was fighting for his life for crimes that he did not commit, and everyone had to listen to details of these peoples personal lives. My brother was not given a fair trial by any means.
  The incompetent lawyers my brother had were almost criminal. The little bit that I saw and what I was told by my family was almost laughable, had it not been so serious.
  Seems to me the Govt. needed a martyr and that my brother was an easy target. If my brother in fact had a so-called fair trial, I would hate to see one that is unfair.
  We need help to prove his innocence. I don't want him being one of those people that after 20 years DNA or whatever sets them free. This is a huge injustice, we need help now, not 20 years down the road.
  I don't know what else to say except I know Rod would not have done this thing that he is sitting his life in prison for.
  It's not right. Read the transcripts and lets have coffee and discuss how to free my brother. We all want him home with his family where he belongs. This is bogus and people need to know this should not happen to innocent people. Please help, we need help, please.
  Thank you for your time and consideration.

                                                                       Thank You
                                                                       Curt Rollness        

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