Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jeff Burns' letter to the judge

Your honor, I am here today to speak on behalf of Rod Rollness.
  I'm proud to be able to say that Rod has been a close friend of mine for several years. During that time, Rod has shown me that you really can't judge a book by it's cover. Beneath Rod's rough looking exterior, he is a kind, generous, intelligent man who can knowledgeably discuss various topics ranging from economics, world history, and the law to religion. He is an exceptional artist and a skilled mechanic and carpenter. Rod is a committed family man and a loyal friend.
  The evening prior to Rod's arrest, I was in the area of his home and decided to stop by to visit, unannounced. Knowing Rod like I do I knew that I would most likely find him at home. Normally I would call first to make sure that they were home, but since it was a sunny day, I was sure that I would find Rod working on his house or spending time with his kids. Sure enough, Rod was home and just as I had thought, he was working on his house with two of his sons. As we sat visiting for almost two hours, Rod was excited as he shared three of his most recent drawings with me and we discussed his home improvement plans and his family. Rod was very motivated to get started with his major renovation plans and how his work would impact the appearance and value of his property. I left my visit with Rod, excited by how well my friend was doing.
  Above all, Rod is a man of honor. I have read the Government's Indictment and the allegations against Rod are very serious. As serious as those allegations are, rod has told the court that he is not guilty. Rod is not a flight risk as his pride, honor and commitment to his family will not allow him to flee from these charges. He will stand and defend himself against these allegations to prove to the court that he is not guilty. Rod is firmly bonded to his family and community and contrary to what the Government will have you believe, Rod does not pose a threat to the citizens of the United States. I am confident that should the court see fit to set his bail in an amount that he can afford to post, Rod will return to his home where he will continue to take care of his family, their home, assist with his defense and Rod will abide by all the conditions of his release.
  I appreciate this opportunity to address the court and thank you for your consideration.
                                                          Jeff Burns


  1. He killed santa for rank in his club full of clows. He deserves to rott

  2. You are clearly misinformed and believe all you see in the news. I'm sorry that you can't think for yourself.

  3. He almost killed funny sonny cause he didn't know the history of his own club. Ya let's beat up on old men.
